Entabeni Epilepsy Laboratory
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How can Epilepsy Monitoring Help you?

Seizures that are difficult to control with medication (intractable seizures) can be devastating to people who are trying desperately to get the most out of life despite a debilitating condition like epilepsy. 

Video EEG monitoring can undeniably give you the answers you are looking for. In fact, 3 out of 10 people who come to our unit do not even have epilepsy, which is precisely why their medication is not working. They have been diagnosed incorrectly and are therefore being treated inappropriately.

The word "epileptic" should not be used to describe someone who has epilepsy, as it defines a person by one trait.
Is there any danger when I’m hooked up to the EEG machine?
An EEG is completely safe because the EEG records the brain’s own electricity.
Most cases of epilepsy are not inherited.  However, some types of epilepsy, most of them easily controlled with medications, are genetically transmitted, that is, passed on through the family.
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